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  2. Singa Business Pro

Locking Singa devices from other use

If your customers have access to a Singa device, keep reading for a handy way of locking the device to only access the Singa service.

Locking the device from any other usage

By locking the Singa service to the foreground, you ensure that your customers cannot access any other features or menus of the device. You can use this feature across all Singa services (Business Pro, Business Box, Check-in)

On an Apple iPad 

  1. Navigate to Settings Accessibility > Guided Access > ON.
  2. Choose Passcode Settings and then set up the passcode. It's vital that you remember this code for future use, e.g. exiting Guided access mode to perform maintenance on the device.
  3. Enter the passcode and then confirm it by re-entering. You can also allow access to Face ID or Touch ID for ending Guided Access user sessions.